Thursday, May 8, 2014

5/7/14 Gracemont, OK severe thunderstorm

   After dark Wednesday night, I went after developing storms in west-central Oklahoma in hopes of catching some lightning.  There was nearly continuous lightning as I closed on a storm near Binger and dropped south in front of it, but it was all in-cloud and not especially photogenic.  I got a few shots of a shelf cloud near Gracemont, my only photo stop of the night, and chased the storm back to Newcastle as it kept fighting to stay surface-based and wrap up short-lived mesocyclones.  The only excitement was some unexpected hail in RFD southwest of Tuttle.

   As I learned the next day, Gracemont took some serious straight-line wind damage about 20-25 minutes after I left it.  These photos are from a little more than a mile south of town, looking north along U.S. 281, at 10 p.m.

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